Botox Side Effects You Should Know About

Botox – Side Effects You Should Know About


Alfred Ardis

If you have frown lines or crows feet, Botox injections may help. Depending on the severity of your condition, as well as your health history, your doctor could see this as a viable option. Just like any other prescription, there are often side effects that accompany its use. The best way to get more information about the side effects is to seek out the assistance of a medical professional. He or she will be able to talk to you about the risks, as well as the benefits that you can experience.

When do side effects begin?

Side effects from Botox can begin from the moment of injection all the way up to weeks after the appointment. This is one of the reasons that medical professionals ask patients to keep an eye out for any type of problems they begin to see. The goal is to begin treatment as soon as a problem becomes noticeable. In most cases, early intervention can restrict the severity of the symptoms and outcome.


What are the most common side effects?

Some patients experience minor discomfort at the injection site. When irritation occurs, consider putting ice on the area. Many practitioners use an anesthetic cream to numb the area before the procedure begins in order to reduce the chances of pain. Others may experience minor headaches. For the most part, these Botox side effects are so minimal that they do not prevent a person from going back to receive another injection.

The most serious side effects include difficulty breathing or swallowing. The moment this begins, it is important to call your healthcare provider. In cases of emergency, you should go directly to the hospital to receive medical treatment. A small percentage of patients have experienced a severe reaction. These symptoms include things like double vision, loss of strength, or change of voice. Sometimes, the difficulty breathing or swallowing is a direct result.

What can I do to prevent side effects?

Tell your doctor about any medical conditions that you have. It is important to give your physician accurate information. If you have breathing problems or nerve conditions, your doctor will go over them with you and then determine whether or not this course of treatment is right for you. If it is not, it may be time to look into other options that can give you similar results.

If you are interested in Botox, talk with your doctor about how it works and its effectiveness. After reviewing your health history and talking about the results that you can expect, you can make a decision as to whether this treatment is right for you.


Atlanta botox

treatments are available from the medical professionals at


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