Choosing A Commercial Lawn Maintenance Company

Submitted by: Eric Winston

Are you green with envy over your neighbour s lush lawn? Wondering how he keeps it so perfect looking? He may just have a professional secret up his sleeve.

Choosing a commercial lawn maintenance company needs the same consideration as choosing someone to house sit or walk your dog. There are inscrutable companies all over, and avoiding them can be easy if you know what to look for and the questions to ask.

Your first task when looking for a commercial lawn maintenance company is to determine exactly what it is you want. It s not enough to say I want a pretty lawn , you need to think about things like what kind of fertilizers you want used on your property, how flexible you want the company you re working with to be, and how often you expect the company to treat your property. It s vital that you and your lawn and garden care professionals see eye to eye on what a lush, green, well cared for lawn and garden looks like.


Once you ve got a general idea of what you want from a commercial lawn maintenance company, ask your friends and neighbors for a recommendation. Even take a drive around and find a lawn and garden you admire, and talk to the owner about their maintenance routine and which lawn care service they use. Recommendations is the best way to learn about the reputation companies in your area have and what people really think of them.

Narrow your choices down to three or four commercial lawn maintenance companies in your area, and then interview them. Call for a free estimate, ask about their commitment to the environment and what kind of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers they use and how they handle broadleaf weed problems. Do you have an opportunity to request that certain products are or are definitely not used on your lawn and in your garden?

While you re asking these questions, it s important to remember to ask about their fertilization program. How many pounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium will be applied and when?

Find out up front what their pricing programs include and if there is a discount for paying annually. Talk to the company about what they can and cannot do; what kind of treatments are recommended, approximately how often the program suggests they should be applied. Are service calls included or is there a charge associated with them?

Make sure that the commercial lawn maintenance company you select is licensed and that they have the proper permits to apply elemental fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides. The Ministry of Environment will have strict regulations about the kinds of chemicals that can be used in lawn care programs. Does the company offer a guarantee of any kind on the results? What happens if the company fails to meet your expectations?

Finally, the last and most important thing to put into place is a written estimate. The document should clearly describe the services you will receive and how much it will cost you (either annually or per application).

About the Author: Eric Winston is a lawn expert with BUR-HAN Lawn Care, a Vancouver

commercial lawn maintenance

company. For more great tips please visit their website at


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