Discover How Long It Really Takes To Potty Train A Dog

Discover How Long it Really Takes to Potty Train a Dog


Morgan Montgomery

There is no set time to potty train a dog. That is your answer. But there are ways to speed up the process as well as establish healthy habits for your dog. The best time to potty train your dog is start when they are young. Training them when they are young will make it a lot easier for you in the future.

However, potty training them before the age of 8-10 weeks can cause more behavioral problems because that is the time they are introduced to socialization and other important skills. One of them is the mother, trains her put to not eliminate near their sleeping area.

The best times to take your dog outside is whenever they wake up from a nap as well as after they eat and play for 10-15 minutes.

It Will Take A lot of Work On the Owner’s Part


Remember, getting a new puppy requires a lot of work from the owner. Taking your puppy outside frequently and keeping a watchful eye on him may disturb your lifestyle. Don’t forget,that’s what it takes to be a good dog owner, paying more attention to your dog’s needs rather than expecting your dog to train himself will establish good habits from your dog as well as prevent any future stress from not training your dog.

When ever your dog does eliminate outside, make sure you praise and praise your dog for this behavior! Bring treats along as well. If you consistently do this, your dog will learn to associate “urinating or defecating outside is a good thing.”

Keep in mind an 8 week year old puppy can only hold his bladder for so long so make sure you allow your dog FREQUENT trips outside

What to Avoid When Housebreaking Your Puppy

Don’t yell at your dog when your dog has an accident. Just calmly pick your dog up and take him outside. Yelling at him will not teach your dog that urinating inside the house is bad, he will only connect urinating in front of you is bad. Dog’s do not think like humans,your dog will have no clue why you’re so upset when he poops or pees in the house. That’s why rubbing your dog’s nose in the mess isn’t going to do anything either.

Dog’s also have a very short attention span.Unless you catch your dog in the act, your dog will not understand or connect his elimination to your distress after you the fact it happened.

Another good way to train your dog is clicker training. Clicker training isn’t this magic button you can use to housebreak your dog. Clicker training is a n effective and positive way to communicate with your dog. This allows your dog to get a clear understanding of what behavior is okay. It’s based on positive reinforcement.

Housebreaking your dog will take a lot of work, practice and consistence. There is no magic button you can use to make it easier. You need to look at housebreaking from the eyes of a dog. Don’t forget you see things differently then the way your dog does. Don’t expect your dog to understand what you are saying, it’s how you choose to respond to your dog’s actions that will make potty training more successful.

Got other dog related issues? If so, you should definitely check out

Potty Train a Dog

, and

Secret to Dog Training


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