Looking For Car Insurance With No Down Payment

By Jim Bassett

Insuring your vehicle is a must. It is a standard legal requirement in one form or another in almost every country in the world. It is also a lucrative and highly competitive business. If you are looking for car insurance with no down payment, you will have to have a thorough search online. It may not be too easy.

Most insurance companies like to get as much money as they can upfront. This is not too surprising. After all they are giving you cover from the time you sign the contract. Whatever you are buying, be it furniture or even the car itself, you may normally be expected to produce some cash, a check or a valid card at the time of signing the deal.

You will normally be required to show proof of insurance to complete the registration formalities for the vehicle. Insurers have learned the hard way that customers might try to negotiate for a monthly premium, pay the first month and then vanish having used the documents to register the car. So that is one good reason for them to insist on getting sufficient cash in hand to cover their outlay.


So if you really cannot manage to pay a down payment you will have to search for other options. As just mentioned, one is to arrange for monthly payments. You will pay the first month at the commencement of the cover and then continue to pay at the start of each subsequent month. This is probably the best deal you will get.

Another way is, of course, to pay by credit card. Then although the insurer is paid you will have a grace period before settling your card account. If you can combine this with a monthly payment scheme your problem is just about solved. Look for a company who will accept this agreement

There is another point which must be taken into account. This applies whether you are willing to make a down payment or not. If you have already held vehicle insurance and made a lot of claims, or if you fall into a high risk category, then for sure you will need to put cash on the line when you sign up.

After all, if you have an accident the first day you drive the car and make a huge claim the insurer is going to be left in the lurch. Especially if you then abandon his company and take a new policy from a competitor. He must safeguard himself as well as your vehicle.

Finding the right car insurance can take a little time. It may help to consult a reputable broker. He will be able to advise you as he will have had other clients with similar needs.

However, it is worthwhile taking the time to look at comparative quotes before deciding. You can easily get a whole range online. You must also do a little math. Getting car insurance with no down payment may cost you more in the long run. Check the premiums and see for yourself.

About the Author: Find details about

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requirements and tips on how to get

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