Weight Loss Surgery In Rhode Island}

Weight Loss Surgery in Rhode Island


Craig B. Thompson

Rhode Island the smallest state — has a big problem. That problem is obesity. Almost 59% of the population of the Ocean State is overweight or obese (18% obese, 39% overweight) according to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. And thats just the adults. 47% of 6-11 year olds, 27% of 12-17 year olds, and 24% of high school students are overweight or at risk for overweight as well.

Obesity kills people. It is the second most common cause of preventable death in the United States, and may lead to co-morbidities, which are serious medical conditions directly related to obesity. Common co-morbidities include sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and Type II diabetes.

Its costing us, too — over $300 million every year to deal with obesity and related health problems — with approximately 60% of the total financed by good old John Q. Taxpayer.

This situation cant be allowed to continue. Its time Rhode Island fought back.


Obesity Is a Disease

Obesity is a disease a medical condition defined as being above a healthy weight. Healthy weight is calculated in terms of individual body mass index (BMI) a formula established by the National Institute of Health and the only way to reduce BMI is to reduce overall body weight.

But just losing weight doesnt cure the disease. Obesity is about more than just being fat or overeating. Obesity is a complex medical condition that requires comprehensive medical care. Shedding pounds relieves one symptom excess weight but only by making a complete change in lifestyle and eating habits can a patient succeed in reducing their BMI to safe levels.

Treatment comes in several forms. Most obese people respond well to a structured program of medically-supervised education and diet. For some, however, theres only one effective option: weight loss surgery.

About Weight Loss Surgery

The key to weight loss is eating less. Weight loss surgery is generally performed as a laparoscopic procedure in which a surgeon changes the patients stomach or digestive tract to limit the amount of food that they can hold. But weight loss surgery is not a fairy-tale cure for being fat. It is one part of a total medical treatment plan for obesity. Patients who ignore or improperly follow prescribed diet and lifestyle changes after surgery may regain any weight lost and/or experience undesirable health effects. The decision to undergo weight loss surgery is also irrevocable; currently, only the Lap-band procedure is reversible.

After years of medical research and advances in surgical technologies, weight loss surgery is generally minimally invasive and is not particularly dangerous except in rare cases. However, it does entail real risk, including the risk of complications and even premature death. Before making a decision, those considering bariatric surgery should consult with their primary care physician to analyze the risks and possible outcomes of any bariatric procedure.

Think Small!

Rhode Island is a small state full of big people. Thats not healthy. Sensible changes in lifestyle and diet along with weight loss surgery when necessary will put our state back at the bottom of the (obesity) list.

Weight loss surgery in Rhode Island

is a growing trend, since some 59% of the state population is overweight or obese. Visit online website for

Weight Loss Surgery channel


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