Yes, You Really Can Invest In Real Estate Without

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By Kevin Kiene

Do you want to get involved in investing in real estate but don’t seem to have any extra money in the bank? This is a common problem, but what you may not realize, is that you can start investing with little or nothing in your bank account. Basically, if you own your own home, you can leverage this asset and find yourself investing in no time flat.

As long as you own your own home, pay your mortgage and have fairly descent credit, it will actually be easy to get started in real estate investing. There is most likely a pretty good amount of equality in your house. Even if you have only owned your house for a short time, you have been paying it off and it is most likely has been increasing in value. Just take a look at the balance of your mortgage and subtract it from its current value. Of course you may need to include a second mortgage or and other liens that may be on your property, but you should still have equality to work with. This is your green light to move forward into investing.

Here three ways to use the equity in your home to raise the capital for real estate investing.


1. Refinancing Your Home – You can refinance your house, get a better interest rate and also get some cash out from a refinance mortgage. You can use the cash to purchase an investment property outright, or you should at least have least enough money for a down payment of a property. Be sure to check with your lender or mortgage broker for any of the rules about cash-out refinancing. Keep in mind, a cash-out refinance mortgage may have higher interest rates than other types of mortgages.

2. Using a Home Equity Loan – A home equity loan uses the equity in your home as collateral, this would be a second mortgage to the one you already have. The mortgage amount is based on a percentage of the equity in your house. You may be able to borrow up to 100% of your homes value, but if you are getting a home equity loan on a second property, you may not be able to borrow as much. This type of loan allows you the option to pay the loan back early without penalty, just a nice little bonus.

3. Open a Home Equity Line of Credit – A home equity line of credit has a credit limit similar to a credit card. This is not much different from a home equity loan, the amount that you can borrow is based on your credit score and the amount of equity in your home. You can transfer funds from your home equity line of credit, or even write checks directly from the account. Interest rates are generally lower than cash-out refinance mortgages, and there are tax advantages as well. Another advantage is that you are only paying interest and making payments on the amount you owe at the time, not the entire amount of the loan. In the future, you may also be able to renegotiate for a higher credit line when the equity in your house increases, especially if you have made improvements to your house.

Real Estate Investing is not only for the rich. The average homeowner can get started in real estate investing even if you don’t have a lot of money in the bank. You can use cash-out refinance mortgages, home equity loans, and home equity lines of credit to begin your journey as a real estate investor, and continue to build more investments into the future.

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